Stories of Kindness from Around the World

In need of change

--by pacots, posted Dec 17, 2006
I was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store when the lady in front of me was short of money, so she started to put some things back. I told her I would pay the difference, because I keep spare change in a separate pocket of my coat for times like these.
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Readers Comments

Ginny wrote: That is really sweet of you. Just me I know what its like when somebody helps you out in that way. I have been there done that thing. Being high school and not having a job does those things do you.
Ginny wrote: That is really sweet of you. Just me I know what its like when somebody helps you out in that way. I have been there done that thing. Being high school and not having a job does those things do you.
hiloecho wrote: What's great about your act of kindness is that you have planted a seed that hopefully will sprout into her helping another in need. Bless you!
waltzes wrote: That's the kind of spontaneous act of kindness I really enjoy hearing about. And the kind I end up doing most often myself. I'm sure you totally made the lady's day, and how could she NOT pay it forward??? Bless You!
Ashley wrote: That's a great idea! Keep up the good work!
alyssafree wrote: What a great idea!!
ivan wrote: hey thank you for your nice comment on my story and definitely wish there were more people around like you....
bookworm58 wrote: Thanks for sharing and thanks for helping someone in need. I do the same thing from time to time. I also know how it feels to not be able to get the basics from time to time. So when i can I help others too.

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