Stories of Kindness from Around the World

3 For Today

--by angi, posted Mar 19, 2014
With the aim in mind to keep to really making a change in my world and those around me ,not only for today but for the better, I set out to do 3 things today.

1.  Gave flowers to a fellow being - dropped off some lavender into the post box of somebody I didn't even know

2. Cleared some of my kitchen cupboards and donated odd usable stuff to the homeless. Dropped it off at a central point where I know they get together in the mornings. My simple note added : have a great day!

3. Send out txt messages of inspiration to people on my telephone list that I have not spoken to for a while. List done for today!
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Readers Comments

rebblondy wrote: Good work!
amy wrote: I think the one that touched me the most was the gifts you left for homeless people. It's easy to do good for those we know or come in contact with, but reaching out to strangers isn't always "comfortable". Keep up the great work!

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