Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Country Neighbors

--by tarkamoore, posted Mar 21, 2014
My village is in the middle of the English countryside and remote from many of the shops we need. Consequently, I make a lot of internet purchases. 

For the past year my next door neighbor has, un-grumblingly, accepted any packages the postman has been unable to deliver to me. I once returned from a few days away to find her with a pile of parcels as high as her head! 

She has never once complained. So, I sent her a flower bouquet in thanks.

I saw her a few days afterwards and she told me how surprised and thrilled she had been to receive the bouquet. Her face was lit by the most beautiful smile - her gift to me!
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Readers Comments

CatherineE wrote: A wonderful gesture of the flowers...:-)
loispoet wrote: How sweet of you! It is kind to repay someone who has been doing you a favor, especially when they don't expect it. I'm going to try harder to remember that when someone does something kind for me. You're an inspiration. Good job! My best holidays were spent in england, love, love, love the country side and kind people. :-) sending blessings your way, lois from il
calumet wrote: Lovely gesture. And she knows how much you truly appreciated her for what she has done.

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