Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lost Wallet and six-hundred Dollars worth of Kindness

--by dees67mustang, posted Dec 20, 2006

Yesterday, while at a bank machine in a very poor part of town, my husband and I found a wallet.  We opened it up to look for ID and the first thing we saw was a picture of a toddler sitting on Santa's knee.  We knew we had to find this father.  We found his drivers licence and gave him a call. 

His wife answered the phone and told us he was out looking for his wallet.  We left our phone number and 10 minutes later he called.  He told us because of the poor area of town his friend told him he could say good-bye to the wallet, he would never see it again.  He was so grateful, he offered us $100 as a reward. 

My husband and the gentleman made plans to meet and as my husband was getting ready I gave him one of the smile cards.   My husband declined his generous offer and instead gave him the card and asked him to "pay it forward".   He told my husband he already had.  He went on to explain that he had received a Christmas bonus from his employer and had taken $600 of that bonus and bought jackets and toques for the homeless in the neighbourhood.  WOW!!! 

This was the first card I have given away.  I can't wait to see what the others bring!

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Readers Comments

wonderlink wrote: This is a really fun, inspiring, warm story!
Mphikeleli wrote: Wow!! God has a special way of rewarding those who care and show love to those in need.
Jawad wrote: Yeah,, Its really true. God help Those who care and show love to those in need,,
Jawad wrote: Yeah,, Its really true. God help Those who care and show love to those in need,,
speedi wrote: once again proof that what goes around comes around...
Ginny wrote: That is a very nice story. See really goes to show people that one good thing happen then other one soon will.
Amy wrote: This was a great story...It touched my heart and made my day. Thank you for sharing!
Chris Engebretson wrote: I think everyone needs to be a little more caring like the people in this story
s.a.raju wrote: God is created had that have moral values like kind,pity,serve,love....but love is greatest moral value....
Lorrinet wrote: Special things happen around Christmas because it is truly a special time when we celebrate the greatest gift that was given to ALL mankind--the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

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