Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Children Have The Best Hearts

--by ljcrowefamily, posted Dec 24, 2006

This year, my family applied for Christmas Assistance from the Salvation Army. I'm a single mom and have not been able to work. Dad's a bit of a non-entity and was fired earlier in the year so times have been really tough.  My son has been in and out of the hospital for six years with severe kidney disease. He is 8 years old and his brother is 7.

My sons know we have money troubles, but not the mass extent of it. They have and will always be provided for as I have a very loving and supporting set of parents.

We were at Meijer and I was stressing about grocery money, and gas money and the holidays coming up.  Meanwhile, my 8-year-old sees the Salvation Army guy, and it's really cold and he asks if we can give him some change. My son walks over and gives the guy a dollar, and my other son does the same. I see my sons talking to him and gesturing, and hear them say "be right back".

They come over and ask if we can get him some coffee because it's cold and he's been out there for two whole hours already. So, we go inside, buy the man some Starbucks and suddenly I'm not thinking about my bills, or my worries at all. Instead, I'm having a wonderful conversation with a man who dedicates his time to collect for the Salvation Army and wondering what I've done today that's as valuable.

I hug both my kids, because yet again they have shown me the value of kindness . . . in more ways than they can imagine!

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Readers Comments

yasmeen wrote: God bless you and your lovely children. I pray that things get better for you soon.
wonderlink wrote: Thanks for sharing such a warm story and for allowing the stars to glow a bit brighter.
rocky78 wrote: Aren't children the best teachers? Thanks for sharing!! :) Happy Holidays to you and your entire family.
waltzes wrote: Thank you for your generosity and act of kindness, and bless your children for their big hearts. You are in my prayers. Merry Christmas!!
nisha wrote: This is so amazing that even in times of need you encouraged your sons to give. May your family be always blessed with all good things.
Ravi Sheshadri wrote: May God give you capabilities to come out of your troubled today. Continue your kindness and it will surely return to you.
alberta wrote: Ihope these children and there mum go through there entire lives without ever losing their gift of kindness to others
Lorrine wrote: The innocence of children is just a blessing because they can see things so clearly.
speedi wrote: God Bless the Children for they shall lead the way
Ginny wrote: See it goes to show, everbody can help out. Even kids!

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