Readers Comments
yasmeen wrote: God bless you and your lovely children. I pray that things get better for you soon.
wonderlink wrote: Thanks for sharing such a warm story and for allowing the stars to glow a bit brighter.
rocky78 wrote: Aren't children the best teachers? Thanks for sharing!! :) Happy Holidays to you and your entire family.
waltzes wrote: Thank you for your generosity and act of kindness, and bless your children for their big hearts. You are in my prayers. Merry Christmas!!
nisha wrote: This is so amazing that even in times of need you encouraged your sons to give. May your family be always blessed with all good things.
Ravi Sheshadri wrote: May God give you capabilities to come out of your troubled today. Continue your kindness and it will surely return to you.
alberta wrote: Ihope these children and there mum go through there entire lives without ever losing their gift of kindness to others
Lorrine wrote: The innocence of children is just a blessing because they can see things so clearly.
speedi wrote: God Bless the Children for they shall lead the way
Ginny wrote: See it goes to show, everbody can help out. Even kids!