Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Costco Love

--by earthling, posted Dec 27, 2006
My Mom is visiting from India and I wanted to show her some Christmas shopping spirit! So one of these evenings,  I took her to a nearby store. As we got out from the car, I noticed something blue and plastic and shining in semi-darkness.  A black & white image of a cheerful, middle-aged lady smiled at me. It was a high-end Costco membership card.

I figured she must live pretty close. So when we got home, I picked up the phone book and found the number that matched her name. A friendly male voice answered saying it is indeed his wife's card and she will call me back because she's busy feeding the baby.  I was a little puzzled.

Sure enough, the lady called me in 10 minutes and profusely thanked me for safe-keeping of her card. She lived down the same road, just a couple of blocks away! 

And then came the answer to the puzzle. She was busy feeding a 6 month-old  baby that they have been fostering because the original Mom came briefly out of jail just to deliver the baby. She had lost the Costco card because her hands were full with the little one.

This couple had made a conscious decision to foster newborn babies since not many people wanted them (work, work, work). She talked about the joy of having raised 8 newborn babies, one after the other, all from the County's Foster Home!!  What a great service to get these babies off to a loving start!

We ended up chatting for 30 minutes and I felt like I really connected with this person as a friend and well-wisher. I shared their story with my parents and they were moved too. My Mom even started crying. I wanted to do something for their current baby. I found my favorite toy I had been storing away for our 3 month-old - an adorable, little green elephant that looked at me right in the face.

A few minutes later, a jolly-good older person who looked like Santa Incarnate drove up in a car that told me about their priorities. We chatted some more. He was overjoyed that they could care for this baby for few more months since the Mom was "not ready yet" (which was his loving way of saying she was still doing time)

He tried to prove his wife's identity but I didn't need any of that. I handed him the little gift and the Costco card.  One of these days, we decided to get our babies together and parted with a hug.

For the first time, I felt like I got a real Christmas gift using a Costco card.
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Nothing in this world happens without a reason costco card dropped, found by you, connection to the owner of costco card and returning, all are consequences of karma. Thanks for sharing beautiful story
wari wrote: What a great story.
rah wrote: Dear As u sused in ur stories compassion , kindness and love i want to ask this from u that is it ture that we cant live with out our love if if out love is unfaith full i loved some one but he was unfaith full he was too seriouse and many times he hit me in a very small words az he wanted to marry me but he was to seriouse he loves me alot but he is telling me lots of bad words and he is fighting with me and many times he hit me i know that he will not keep me happy but still i love him and i want to marry him i dont know what to do i didnt talk to him from 3 days and i told him that i dont marry u but what to do i dont have any ather way i cant forget him please give me advoice what to do i am too alone please i am wating for ur answer i am from afghanistan .
osei frank wrote: am a boy of 17years of my age i want you to help me as will as you magazin or any items wicth improved me to study my education i will end here thank you .... my postal adderss osei frank 8 ust kumasi ghana
2cents wrote: Great story!
auntydot wrote: What is a Costco card please. what a lovely story
adriansgrammy wrote: Costco is a members only store and you must show your card when you want to get in. There is a yearly membership fee and if you buy products in huge amounts, it is cheaper. Works well for big families or a group of friends who want and use the same products. They sell packaged groceries, some clothing, some appliances, etc but not everything possible. Some stores have bakeries, eye glasses, jewelry. A member can bring a guest. The Costco card would have been very important to someone caring for babies and all that babies need. I'm sure a great friendship was formed. Very nice story!!!
speedi wrote: What a wonderful story,,,it pays to do a good deed,,the reward in the end always comes back to the giver.
Ginny wrote: That is nice story thanks for sharing. Its nice to know that there are people out there that are helping others out.
anon wrote: Many people might point to the "instant karma" (as John Lennon might put it) of the situation -- a woman who does good in the world has her COSTCO card returned. I think the interesting lesson of the story is that doing nice things for others is a way to make connections with people in a world where we too often live insular lives. And when we scratch the surface, we find goodness quite often. Great story!

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