Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Smile Charade

--by earthling, posted Dec 30, 2006
In the middle of the day, I got this call from my close friend in Chicago. She runs a business and was in a temporary cash flow crunch. She asked if I could send her a loan check.

Sure I said and I remembered my old promise to this friend's 10 year old daughter. I had gotten her all excited about Smile cards and promised to send her a few but it remained a promise unfulfilled for quite some time now.

So I decided to use this opportunity along with the check, I added a stack of smile cards and a note from my little son calling her the "bestest sister in the whole wide world".

It was a busy day for me but I decided to drop everything else and go to the post office. After standing in a long queue to send off this Priority Mail, I came home to find a voice message from the same friend. She had gotten the money from her clients and didn't really need the check!

So the whole charade of the post office and long lines and skipping many of my other 'To Dos' was all for me to send a few promised Smile Cards to a little girl who lived far away!
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Readers Comments

2cents wrote: Isn't there something magical about life when we try and align ourselves with the goodness?

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