Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Those New York City Moments

--by singlestep, posted Apr 7, 2014
At a local bakery/restaurant I gave the cashier some money along with a Smile card. 

"Please surprise someone by taking care of their order with this today," I said, "and give them this card." 

Her mouth dropped open. "Really?" she asked. 

"Really." I replied. 

"Why are you doing this?" she asked. 

"To spread a little bit of kindness," I said, "It feels like a good day to share a little bit of extra love." 

Her face broke into the biggest grin. "This is so beautiful!"

I smiled thinking about how she was going to spend the rest of the day looking for that "perfect" person to tag. I had no idea that what went around would come around so quickly.

A little while later I stood, looking lost, on a subway platform in Times Square. A suit-clad commuter pulled out his earphones and gently asked, "Where do you need to go?" Then he gave me directions. 

Soon afterwards I found myself struggling with a big suitcase through a downtown subway station. I'd already dragged it for several blocks and up and down multiple staircases refusing offers of help from a couple of sweet passers-by. As I paused in front of a final flight of steps, trying to ignore the ache in my back and bracing myself for the final mile, a young man turned the corner and without missing a beat, said, "Can I help you with that?"

Before I'd even managed a reply he hoisted it up with a smile. It was such a grace-filled moment it put a lump in my throat, and reminded me again how much I love this tough, resilient, paradoxical city and the way it can steal your heart when you least expect it - with quiet kindness!
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Readers Comments

TheSmileLady wrote: A wonderful ripple of kindness:-)
miller wrote: Beautiful story.
It's wonderful how small acts can spread such a great joy.
It's encouraging me to open more my eyes to try to do the same
Xavier alvarado wrote: Pass it forward is my tag
quadgrama wrote: What a nice pay it forward story. I like how you let the cashier choose the recipient, it must have made her day too.

Also about the above comment.
Well said, lovesveggies. I do believe that it is a gift to let others do something for you. It does not come naturally for many of us, but i try to remember this lesson and accept help when it's offered.
Nicole wrote: Great story! I love nyc, having once lived there, and now travel there often for work! , ithe people who live there are kind and helpful, like the ones you had met day! :)
deven wrote: Moments of joy. Feeding life forever. :)
LovesVeggies wrote: Sometimes I find that the 'greatest' and most difficult kindness I can 'offer' is to say thank you and graciously accept and enjoy another's kindness.

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