Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cool Water On A Sunny Day

--by eckyssister, posted Apr 11, 2014
I found myself in the city for work today. On my lunch break I decided to walk around the public gardens. 

It was one of those unusually warm September days, 90+ degrees and humid, but it felt good after being in the air-conditioning all morning. That is until I walked past two individuals, sweaty and asleep, on a park bench together. What appeared to be all their belongings were in a few bags scattered around them. 

I continued walking but kept thinking about the pair on the bench.

So, I went to Starbucks and purchased five bottles of cold water. Then I returned to the park. First stop was the couple on the bench. I woke the gentleman up and asked if they were ok. Sleepily, he assured me they were fine, but he gratefully accepted two bottles of water.

The third bottle went to a man playing his violin by the remembrance garden. The fourth to a young man laying in the grass reading. And the fifth to a veteran asking for help by the Boston Marathon prayer flag memorial.
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Readers Comments

Davina Sefton wrote: So cute! Xxx

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