Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Making the Gardener Smile

--by guin, posted Jan 12, 2007

This morning I was walking in a new park that I had just discovered near my house.

When I went walking the previous day, the old gardener had asked me if I had some clothes to give him. He was wearing a tattered vest and it was obvious that although so many people frequented the park, nobody had ever spoken to him before.

I gave him some nice shirts and some cake that I had at home.

The next morning he told me how thankful he was for the shirts. As I walked, I noticed that the sprinkler that he was using to water the plants in the park was leaking in several places. I went home and brought some scotch tape and scissors, and, with his help, I blocked the leakages. I told him he could keep the scotch tape in case he needed it again.

It was then that I got to see his broad, toothless smile. :)  He got up and begun praying, saying that he does not know what good deeds he did in a previous birth to merit this. He told me that he will never forget this his whole life. I have to confess that I was really amazed at the power of small acts. I never really believed that I could make someone happy with such a small gesture until then.

Maybe, it is true, that "There are no great acts of love, only small acts of great love," as Mother Teresa said.

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Readers Comments

Del wrote: Just showing him that you care means everything. Keep on looking for other
Chances to show care.
pauliej wrote:

Beautiful-keep on spreading smiles!
speedi wrote: how lucky he was that you were around that day and that you have a good heart
thank you
iei wrote: this story made me nice...:p
harraq wrote: great friend
How easy to do small acts but how great when we make someone happy....
beckid wrote: What a wonderful touching story.
Ginny wrote: What great story, that makes me what go out and talk to the people who make are lifes alot better.
smiley88 wrote: Isn't it amazing how so little can make a difference in people's lives? The reward we get for giving far surpasses the security of keeping kindness to ourselves. God Bless!
Samsonmybf wrote: That is an awesome story.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Great story! The smallest things can make the biggest difference to someone.

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