Stories of Kindness from Around the World

London Cabbie's Payment-in-Kind!

--by T.S., posted Apr 25, 2006
Last week, I was running a little late on my way to my first day at a new job in East London. I had injured my achilles heal a couple of days before and didn't want to put too much pressure on it by running to the tube station so I decided to jump in a cab just to get to the station.

The cab driver was really warm and friendly and happened to ask me where I was off to. So, I told him how I was on my way to start a new job and was running a little late to get to the tube station. En route, about half way there, he realized that the road was closed ahead and told me that as a result this is as far as he'll be able to take me. Of course I said no worries and pulled out my wallet to pay him for his services.

At this point, he turned around and said to me with a huge smile, "Don't worry about it. I feel bad that I couldn't get you all the way to the station when you are running late for your first day of work. This one's on me! Good luck with your new job."

I was floored -- London cabs are generally really expensive, and he really didn't have to do this for some random stranger off the street. But he just felt like being nice and bringing a smile to someone else's day and so he did it anyway. Thank you, to this anonymous cab driver, for bringing a smile to my face every time I think of this experience.
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Your good karma of the past and past lives brought you their sweet fruits. It is god who inspires cabbie to be kinder to you. You dearly deserved it.
calumet wrote: Lovely story. Acts of kindness like this on a poignant important day in your life are remembered forever.
TXWildflower wrote: Awesome story! Thank you for sharing this with us.
bookworm58 wrote: The story was very sweet. I am glad that there are people who care for others.
HappyDae wrote: I think the cab driver was one of us :)
What do you think? Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. Love and peace, happydae
smileswithhope wrote: Thank you for sharing this story-- the cab driver's kindness is so simple, it's disarming. So wonderful to know that this has and is happening in the world! :)
Dora wrote: There's a terrific amount of knolwdege in this article!
moral12 wrote: A cabby with heart! Thanks for sharing your story.
malladi wrote: Great. Humans wear work clothes everywhere. Few behave with human feelings.
elli wrote: This warms my heart. =)

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