Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Breaking Bread

--by mrtwinker, posted Jan 19, 2007
At lunch, I noticed that someone was sitting alone without a lunch. I went over and offered them half of my sandwich. Gratefully, they accepted and beyond just making someone feel nourished, I was able to speak to someone new and fun.  Not what you would call creative, but I feel good for what I have done.
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Readers Comments

waltzes wrote: That was very nice and generous of you. There's nothing better than becoming a being of sharing. Bless You!
auntydot wrote: Nice one, it takes nerve to do something like that, and youve every right to feel pleased with what youve done.
auntydot wrote: Nice one, it takes nerve to do something like that, and youve every right to feel pleased with what youve done.
auntydot wrote: Nice one, it takes nerve to do something like that, and youve every right to feel pleased with what youve done.
ieiblue wrote: when we help.. we also nourished ourselves...:P cheers to you!
Wayfarer wrote: "Not what you might call creative," but beautiful in it's simplicity!

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