Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Smile and Good Morning

--by fsmall52, posted Apr 16, 2014
Wednesday morning, September 11, the first day of the 21-Day Challenge: I said "good morning" and smiled at every person I saw. Out of dozens of people I passed on my morning run, one lady walking her dog, smiled back. Another person, stationary, to whom I said "good morning", smiled and returned my greeting.
Even with such modest returns, it felt good to start my day offering good cheer and reminding myself and others that we're all connected.
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Readers Comments

sanayap wrote: I do this so often. It's a tiny gesture, but when a stranger smiles back. We know that we're connected. (:
Rosh1227 wrote: A smile goes a long way!
cabbage wrote: May the "smile index" be high wherever you go, and even if your "returns" are not high, know that you are boosting the energy wherever you are :-)
Smiles and hugs to you!

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