Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Idea For a Rainy Day

--by preciv95, posted Jan 22, 2007

We have many people in my area who walk everywhere.  Today it was raining, and I had a thought.  I would go to the dollar store, and buy a bunch of umbrellas. If I see someone walking in the rain, I could stop and give them an umbrella to use.


3375 Reads

Readers Comments

Sridevi wrote: Wonderful idea.
Jami2D wrote: I followed your lead and did this on world pay it forward day this year. Thanks! :)
bookworm58 wrote: That is a very special act of kindness.

Thanks for sharing the story
Aiya wrote: Very simple yet extremely kind idea I haven't thought of. Kudos!!
Passion4Life wrote: What a great idea! I can't wait to try that one out.
Nikki wrote: Love the idea! A great way to put a smile on someones face. Many blessings
sewingsphynx wrote: Dollar stores make it possible for us to do "volume kindnesses". I remember buying horns once and putting them on people's walkers where I worked. It was great fun!
reshma Kurup wrote: Simple act of kindness will take you a long way dear in your life...Keep sharing and caring..
with love
waltzes wrote: Wonderful!! What a great and easy act of kindness!
Nicole wrote: What a great idea, I will use it when it is winter down under.

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