Readers Comments
bhappy wrote: Olive the wonderful example you are showing your son. How exciting for the little boy.
ieiblue wrote: what a wonderful experience for you... :P
Strider wrote: its the little things which make people smile!
Samsonmybf wrote: That is awesome !!I know the place you are talking about. We often get invited to birthday parties there. My kids always give the birthday kid their tickets so they can get prizes....
pacots wrote: I bet you made that little boy's day,what a wonderful thing to do.
monkeyinpajamas wrote: Wow!What a kind thing to do!And it is also a wonderful way to set an example for your child!
lukeyluke wrote: That was a great thing to do. It was refreshing to hear that the little boy went to give them back to you as well instead of just taking them.
raqui wrote: That is very nice. We have a place here by me that is like that also. The little boy will never forget that kind experience.