Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Surprise Lottery Tickets

--by 650nam, posted Jan 24, 2007

I wanted to do something that would really surprise people so I made up the smile cards your site offers and I had them laminated. I buy $2 lottery scratch offs all the time for my self and for friends and family for their birthdays. Everyone enjoys getting them and the chance to maybe win some money.

I work two jobs and my part-time job is working at a Funeral home during calling hours. Seeing it is winter here , folks have to hang up their coats which is located right near the front entrance where I stand to open and close the door and greet folks, so it was very easy for me to sneak in a card with the lottery into a complete stanger's coat. 

I couldn't wait to see who the coat belonged to and I was happy to see it belonged to a fairly young girl with a baby. It would be great if she won something and even better if she passes the card on to someone else. I hope it made her day.  I know it made me feel good.

Since then, I have passed them to the clerk at the drive-thru Dunkin Donuts, a hostess at a restaurant, snuck one in my coworkers lunch bag, a young man at a grocery store who has to retrieve the carts from the parking lot in all kinds of weather. I just go up and say thank you and hand it to them and walk away with a smile on my face.

I am always thinking now how I can do something nice for someone else.

1324 Reads

Readers Comments

ieiblue wrote: wow..i wanna do something like what you're doin now.. thank you for the idea... :P
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That's great that you have put this into practice so often. Way to go!
Aurelia wrote: Loved the idea of using Lottery Tickets. I bet they put a smile on many faces. Good for you :) ~Aurelia

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