Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Old Friend

--by Ruthie83, posted May 4, 2014
Today I logged on to my Facebook account and searched for an old elementary school friend named Mike.

After just 5 minutes I was able to find him. It turns out that he has been going through a rough patch in life. He struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts.

Mike and I ended up chatting for over an hour!  We reminisced about the good old days and about what the future may have in store for him!

At the end of the conversation he told me he hasn't  smiled that much in two months! I am so glad I chose to look him up!!!!
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Readers Comments

Emuye wrote: That's how god send his angeles to pick someone up
Emuye wrote: That's how god send his angeles to pick someone up
clare wrote: That is awesome! Thank you for sharing and good luck to your friend!

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