Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Power In Simplicity

--by lminino, posted Oct 4, 2014

Interestingly enough, I experienced two realizations today during Day 2 of the Kindness Challenge. I would like to share them here.

I noticed that when I began my day and remembered that I needed to complete my challenge, I thought: "I have to engage in a kindness act today."  Immediately I noticed how my body tightened up  when thinking about it, particularly the "have" part of it.

In my past, generosity and kindness were just a way of being, and not a requirement, so now that it's required for me to log in and then complete a Kindness act, I resented it. Then, I realized that I didn't "have" to do anything, all I "have" to do was just be me, then Kindness flowed.

As I was trying to figure out and plan which act of kindness I was going to perform, I realized that I was looking for bigger actions.  Then I remembered the words of Mother Teresa: "We can do no great things, only small things with great love."  It was then when I began acknowledging the little things as potentially big...the smiles, the hellos, the good mornings.  These little things can have such a ripple effect in peoples life that can essentially contribute to their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others around them.

Act of Kindness
At the gym this morning, I went into the locker room after I passed through a set of glass doors. In the corner of my eyes, I acknowledged somebody behind me going in the same direction. I turned around, headed back towards the door, and opened it for him. With a GREAT Big smile, he said: "Thank you!"

His whole demeanor changed after that...
My whole demeanor changed after that.

I am truly humbled and honored that for a brief moment I was part of that change.

Many Blessings to you All!

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Readers Comments

RicKaren wrote: Thank you for sharing what, I believe, many others have faced with the challenge - the "have to" part. You are right; as soon as you realize you want to, not have to, joy flows. And yes, it is the little acts of kindness that make this all possible.
jia wrote: This is a great idea. I have temple in my home. Many old people come there so if i will go anywhere i will do the same to make them smile. :-)
luv4all wrote: Loved the post and simple powerful acts of yours. Keep rocking :)
LouiseA wrote: This very simple and moving story struck such a chord with me. The tiniest things matter and we need to be aware of how our behaviour can affect others.
tatabug wrote: This is amazing. I can relate to those same feelings. I am "working" through my kindness challenge (day12) and your words shed a whole new light on the way i have been feeling. Thank you
sandyremillard wrote: Your kindness is flowing. Marvelous!
wavingatyou wrote: All the great little bits :)
2GetRWeKin wrote: Thank you for wisdom and inspiration. You make a difference.
ultrasteph wrote: Any small communication with another person, if it's kind, can really change their day and yours!
louiseok51 wrote: I loved your mother teresa quote, "we can do no great things, only small things with great love". A simple reminder that any act of kindness, no matter how small makes a difference.

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