Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Warmth of a 30 days old baby!!!!

--by reshmakurup, posted Jan 27, 2007

One month back, my very close friend was delighted to deliver a girl and boy TWINS. She was a little worried before her delivery as to how things were going to turn up at the end.  How was she going to manage twins?  But after all, she is a mother.

After the first look at her newborn babies, all her worry went down the drain.  Last night, I happened to visit my friend. And the best gift of the evening was to hold the boy in my arms for more than 60 minutes.

He was completely wrapped in a warm cloth and his tiny hands and legs were tucked inside the woolen piece of cloth.

I kept looking at him. Slowly he went to sleep. But the most amazing thing was to watch him. He had a beautiful smile on his face.

I could only look at the baby when I held him. We all have been in this state when we were born. I thought to myself.

Where does this smile disappear as we grow old? Where do we leave the unconditional warmth and love we are made up of?

When we look at a newborn, let's remember that we are looking at ourselves.

Lets bring back the smile in our lives.

The easiest way I would say is to bring it on others and you have no choice but to smile.

Keep smiling friends and make it contagious!

WIth love and hugs

Reshma kurup

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Readers Comments

sewingsphynx wrote: Those were the days. You are right - there's no warmth like the warmth of a new baby. Nothing compares!
AiyaZaynab wrote: Awww that's cute. I got to hold my baby cousin a couple months ago, she was only about 2 days old at the time. Babies are soooooooo adorable. It's weird how we have to re-learn later how to love unconditionally like they do.
Rashmi wrote: wow thats really very cute. i can understand the feel of love and warmth whcih we feel when we see a small little baby with their small hands and legs. this is i think the gods best creation and all the creatures who can give birth are really blessed by god.

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