Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Project "Pay It Forward"

--by klz16, posted Jan 30, 2007

I am a part of a Christian club at my school. However this club can sometimes be unmotivated. I motivated them today! At our usual half hour meeting we usually discuss events we want to do or fundraising ideas and do a devotion. But today I started a new program for the club called ‘project pay it forward.’  

I brought with me to the meeting a box of thank you cards, pens, and smile cards that I have been saving for this purpose. I announced to the club that we were going to start a new project. At first I could see the glares coming at me. But as I passed out the smile cards and thank you cards, I could see the group beginning to change. This wasn’t going to be a typical  meeting.

I then told them that we were going to write thank you cards to faculty members in our school who we feel don’t always get the credit they deserve. Many wrote to our lunch staff for preparing amazing lunches at lunch time; others wrote to teachers, secretaries, our principal, and guidance staff. I told them not to sign their name to it but rather write ‘project pay it forward.’ After our meeting, I delieverd the cards to the office where they were placed in the mail boxes.

 I’m excited to see the results and have many more ideas for ‘project pay it forward.’

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Readers Comments

reshmakurup wrote: Thats great...I look forward to hearing what happened and how the project is going forward...
Keep spreading the love
Reese wrote: What a great idea! Thanks for the info.. :)
ieiblue wrote: nice idea... tell me sometime how it goes.. :P
misskarla wrote: I love what you all are doing! :) This should be a great motivator for your group.
Bonnie wrote: Hello! We are looking for an idea for a 16th birthday party where we can ask the teenagers to bring something to give to a good cause. My daughter loves animals so perhaps something related to that. Your thoughts? Thank you. Bonnie
Maverara wrote: Thats a good start hei.Me and my friends we mingled about those kind of projects, giving bacck to the community. helping out to those in need!

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