Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Weekly Grocery Shopping

--by Sarah, posted Feb 8, 2007
When we do our weekly grocery shopping, our daughter Sarah selects one item to purchase, which will then be put aside to give to the local food bank.We are teaching Sarah that not everyone is as fortunate as we are.

During our family’s Friday night observance of the Sabbath, we put coins into our box. Sarah takes a handful of coins and, after telling us something she is thankful for or has enjoyed that day, she places a coin in her homemade box. When the box is full, we donate the money to a local charity selected by Sarah.
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Readers Comments

Ollie wrote: What a wonderful lesson of love and kindness you are showing your daughter. God bless you both.
tcsgirl wrote: What a simple way to make a difference! We may begin this simple act, too. We observe the biblical sabbath, too, and with 4 children they could each be choosing something to give to our church's food basket each saturday.
Molly wrote: BRAVO!!!
DougD54 wrote: A seed planted that will bear sweet fruit for many years to come...
Passion4Life wrote: What an awesome way to teach your children not only kindness but to show them just how blessed they are and to share that with others. Awesome!
Sheila wrote: This is truly sharing at it's best!
cancan wrote: what a good idea and a way that most of us could easily accomplish.thanks for sharing and for inspiring me.
austinfriends2 wrote: What a beautiful way to share and to be thankful for what you have.
wayfarer wrote: You're giving your daughter the gift of the joy of giving. You couldn't give her anything better!
ByHIsGrace wrote: I love to see people teaching the young children the importance of giving. I have a 5 year old who loves to give and I constantly encourage this trait in her, knowing it will bless her emmensely.

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