Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Bracelet From a Child

--by Zelene, posted Feb 7, 2007
I was waiting at the doctor’s office with my infant son. A little girl came up several times to talk to me. I looked down and saw that the girl had three bright and shiny bracelets on her. I said, ‘Oh, what lovely bracelets.’ The girl grinned from ear to ear and said they were a birthday present from her mother. She then took one of them off and handed it to me.

At first I thought, “Oh, I can’t accept this from such a little girl.” But what would I be saying to the little girl if I refused her generosity? So I took the bracelet, thanking the little girl profusely.

The child skipped off, obviously thrilled that her gift had been received with such pleasure. For weeks afterward, I always made sure I had the bracelet on as I left the house, to remind me of the little girl’s generous spirit.

Soon I met another young girl who was drawn to the bracelet and admired it very much. In that moment, I suddenly realized that the bracelet was meant to be passed on. So I took it off and gave it to the little girl, whose eyes lit up as she accepted the gift with delight, and who ran off to show it to her mom. I was so touched by the remarkable joy that this little gift brought to this precious young girl.
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: We are just trustees of the things that we possess by earning or getting it as a gift. We came empty handed and will the same way. Your giving away the gift you received is greatly appreciated.
ganobadate wrote: Yes, in deed a gift is meant to be accepted in grace and then passed on. This way it remains a gift, otherwise it becomes a commodity.
chatty1123 wrote: A wonderful gift to several people of love, kindness, giving hope. THIS is how love is kept alive in everyone! Keep it up!
nivrith wrote: Good job. There should be more of this generosity present in the world. It would make it a much better place.
JEN wrote: really made me smile. just goes to show how far love can go.
austinfriends2 wrote: When you receive ia gift you honor the giver, when you pass it along you honor the giver again. IIt is sweet to show children that their gifts are important.
maggotbaby wrote: This just goes to show, a gift doesn't have to be expensive or even large, when a gift is given from the heart, a little bit of that persons love goes with it.
sewingsphynx wrote: Regifting at its best. Not just a bracelet but a bracelet loaded with love!!
Aiya wrote: Oh my gosh, this is such a touching story, I almost cried. It's amazing how happy generosity makes everyone.
Anya101 wrote: that was soo cute!It is just like a gift of happiness.

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