Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Coffee Kindness

--by areinoehl, posted May 16, 2014
I hit the ground running on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I did not get the Day 2 email until after my act of kindness. I had a full schedule today, so I decided to do something quick and convenient. I printed out some Smile Cards and headed out.

As I walked to the Starbucks on campus, I worked out the details of buying someone their drink. Should I buy a gift card and give it to the barista to dole out? Or buy myself something and pay for the person behind me? Or buy the gift card and walk around campus looking for someone I would not normally interact with? I was feeling oddly nervous.

In the end, I got in line, bought a gift card and turned around and handed it with a smile card to the boy behind me. I said, "Here you go!" And he said, "Thank you." I scampered out the door with a "You're welcome!" That was it.

But, what a feeling! I loved the joy I felt for doing something so small. I wasn't too concern about what the recipient thought. I felt phenomenal for taking a chance and performing a kind gesture. I love this!
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Readers Comments

kat94 wrote: And what a lovely chance you took. To go out of your comfort zone by doing this act of kindness has got to be the best feeling. You rock!

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