Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lemon Tree

--by guin, posted Feb 11, 2007

I would like to share a kindness story that my grandmother recollected about her father (my great-grandfather). He was supposed to have been kindness personified.

He had a couple of lemon trees in his yard in his little town. When they were in season, the trees would be heavy with fruit. Since he had ten children to feed, it was a real treat  for the family.

His wife, an extremely shrewd and clever lady, saw that several unknown women from the neighbourhood were plucking her fruit and leaving very little on the tree.

After mentioning this to her husband, she was very surprised to find that for some time he stopped occupying his usual morning seat near the front porch. When asked why, he replied saying that he did not want the women to stop plucking the fruit in case they saw him near the yard!

His large-heart would not let him prevent even people who steal from sharing his fruits!

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Readers Comments

afriendlysmile wrote: A person as rare as gold to put others before them selves.
What a wonderful example to impire you in in your family.

I am sure he is watching over you from his high place.

afriendlysmile :)
Hitasha wrote: i like this story but i need a longer and the story has to be like an play
i hope you get it
and can send me the story i want

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