Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Giving a bag-full, leaving with a full heart

--by guin, posted Feb 12, 2007

Recently, on the occasion of the festival of Pongal, I was walking back from my grandma's house. She had given me a bag full of food that she had prepared - fried savouries, sweets that were elaborately made and other festival specialities.

I was walking back when I went past a homeless man wearing tattered clothes who I see quite often. It looked like he was quite hungry and tired, maybe even recovering from a hangover. I had nothing with me except the bag full of goodies.

Seeing this man enjoy these treats vs. indulging my own gluttony?

It was no-contest!

I parted with everything that I had and walked home with my hands empty but my heart very, very full.

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Readers Comments

ieiblue wrote: ...:P
maggotbaby wrote: I bet his whole day was brightened up by your kindness
wayfarer wrote: Some people live their lives by the initials WWJD - or, What Would Jesus Do?

That's what Jesus would have done!

Well done, you!
silentdreamer wrote: well done. god bless u.

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