Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Easter kindness

--by maggotbaby, posted Feb 13, 2007

In 1997, we had quite a spate of burglaries in our neighbourhood. Our home was targeted 5 times between December 1997 and February 1998.

At the time, my children were age 10, Shaun, and age 8 twins Graham & Timothy.  All of them were really scared, but Shaun had taken it really badly, and he needed to be put on antidepressants.

Then just before easter 1998, there was a story in our local newspaper about a two year old boy whose home had been burgled and they had smashed up all of the easter eggs that people had bought for the little boy. 

When Shaun heard this, he asked me to contact the paper and ask them to come to our home and he and his brothers shared their easter eggs with that little boy.

When the reporter asked Shaun why, he said he knew what it was like to have things stolen from him and he didn't want the little boy to feel the way he and his brothers felt.

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Readers Comments

monkeyinpajamas wrote: wow.I really really loved this story.Sometimes (most of the times) children have the most beautiful,fresh,open hearts.
sewingsphynx wrote: That's unbelievable! Your son at such a young age has not only demonstrated maturity beyond his years but also a deeply ingrained sense of compassion and understanding. And to think this was done without any nudging!

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