Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Connection

--by nilamma, posted May 30, 2014
I was at the Indian grocery store with my cart totally full to check out. There was an African American man in his sixties behind me. I told him he could go before me as he had just two items in his hand, and he was all smiles and added, as if teasing me, "Thanks! Why don't you pay for my stuff too," and laughed.

I told the lady at the check out not to charge him, right away. Taken aback, he said, "No no no, I was just joking." And I replied with a smile, "Yes yes, your wish is heard. Please let me do it!"

As we talked outside he told me that the Indian herbs that he had bought were for his friend 's medical condition and so I should take the money. I said to him, "It's good that it's not for you. Now you can pay it forward to somebody else."

There was another African American lady behind us. She patted him on his back and said, " Just take it! This is random act of kindness." I was blown away!

I was almost in tears looking at kindness in her eyes and words. We all smiled, and connected with a simple act of kindness.

I went home with car full of groceries and heart full of kindness!
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Readers Comments

kperrine wrote: Brings a tear to my eyes....what a beautiful gesture!
IhanaElama wrote: Wow! Kindness connecting people :) I'm still trying to find to courage in me to do something like that. I feel like doing something similar, when I read this kind of stories, but somehow when I get to the grocery store / any shop, I suddenlly feel really shy and I am afraid of people's reaction. Thank you for the encouraging story. Maybe I can do the same one day. Beautiful connection :)
hmcf wrote: What an inspiring story to read before going to bed! Thanks for sharing this and being so kind and generous.
william wang wrote: It's usually unlikely to happen in china. Good guys ,you bring the happiness to me. God bless you
Ann wrote: It's true you went home with car full of groceries, and heart full of kindness, but there is one more.
You had a nice story for us to learn, how nice is it to be friendly, and kind to others.
Nice one, thx!
Phyllis wrote: This is a lovely story.

I do wish however, we could all get to a place in our heads where we don't always find it necessary to
Relay our stories/experiences by distinguishing people according to race and age.
Nilamma wrote: Dear phyllis , i'm with you and agree that the race and age or religion should not be given imp in our stories! But i wanted to share this unique connection between two race two religions two different background people due to a small act of kindness! These two souls were with me in this small indian stores feeling lost with all the diff spices and herbs and so my little gesture touched their heart!

Since i'm part of service space and kindness connection i get so inspired and energized and bold to freely try and involve in small act of kindness! So just open your heart ihana , don't be shy! :)
Sharmistha wrote: Nilamma, this story is so beautiful. Often time, i am inspired to do a kind act but hesitate to take action. Now onwards, i will try to do the kind act immediately.
Sharmistha wrote: Nilamma, such a beautiful incident! Your act reminded that we shouldn't restrict our kindness to our hearts; it must overflow as generous acts.
Laila Arante wrote: Thanks ms. Nilamma for sharing such a simple but touching story. You gave me the courage to share my piece as well. It happened sometime last year when i entered in an indian store here in kuwait, while i finished picking up stuffs that i wanted to buy. As i queued to the counter, two cute indian kids was right in front of me & as i understood they don't have enough money to buy the food they wanted, the small boy even put the food back to the shelf and the other one was dismayed. What i did was, gave him back the food and money and told the two kids, " don't worry i'll pay it for you". I know how grateful they are from their heart. Just a little act of kindness makes you feel joyful. I walk away smiling until i reach my home still smiling 'coz i feel god is smiling at me too.

God bless us all.

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