Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Colorful Smiles

--by hiloecho, posted Feb 16, 2007

I am very involved in my church and I am also a volunteer in our Garden Ministry. Basically I am one of three who takes care of our gardens, watering, weeding, etc. a couple of days a week.

The main entrance to our church is a very long driveway with 2 flowerbeds on either side. I'm not sure what had been planted there before but whatever it was became scraggly and really wasn't very appealing. We decided to yank the plants, pull the weeds, turn the soil and get all of the rocks out so we would have nice beds for planting new flowers.

This took us 3 days and when we were finally done we decided to shop for flowers. First we went to Home Depot but the selection was minimal as we needed around 100 plants. Next we went to Walmart and they had what we wanted but not close to the number we required. Our choices of suppliers was minimal so we went to the Courtesty Counter, got some nursery phone numbers from the yellow pages, made some calls, no-one answered and generally became discouraged.

We then prayed and asked God to show us what we should do next and he answered our prayers. As we were leaving Walmart in the garden section the clerk was opening boxes and there were the flowers we wanted (Kalanchoe) enough to replant the flower beds. Now only a few people who saw us working on the beds know who replanted but the talk we overhear in church about how pretty the flowers are tells us that God blessed us and the people who smile each time they drive in, out, or by the church.

1930 Reads

Readers Comments

violetangel wrote: Isn't it amazing that we try to do things on our own, but things do not work out, but when we invite God to help us, everything falls miraculously into place!
AURELIA wrote: Very Nice! Prayer is strong and sometimes we even get what we pray for!I wish I could see the pretty walkway.
Good job.

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