Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Passing on the Smiles

--by Samson95, posted Feb 17, 2007

I have been getting packs of smile cards in the mail, usually a few a week. My daughter who is 10 asked me about them the other day.  I explained what they were for, and what to do with them.

She is going to drop her first smile card tomorrow to one of her favorite teachers.  She is going to write a letter of appreciation to this teacher, and attach a smile card to the letter, and place it in her mail box.  I am going to write the letter for her, so the teacher doesn't recognize her handwriting. Just think of the smile that will come from her letter :)

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Readers Comments

ieiblue wrote: wow.. hope mine comes around by now too.. so i can start also.. :P
lafantasma wrote: What a great idea! I'm sure this will help the teacher feel validated and motivate her to continue doing a great job.
myturn wrote: I am very excited to get my step daughter involved with this. I loved reading your story.
AURELIA wrote: What a great idea, but let the teacher know who thinks the world of her. Keep it a secret for only a day if you have to, the teacher deserves to know who feels so strongly about her daily teaching and would leave a pleasant note. I know it put a smile on her face.
alyssafree wrote: that's so cool! way to make the world a better place just by teaching ONE person, it's the ripple affect!
Lovebug wrote: Samson, sometimes I think I might be Delila, because I do have ears, I have to agree with Aurelia, sometimes it is good to let others know who cares about them, they know God cares about them, but can they see Him. Anonymous acts of kindness is a great thing, I practice it a lot. However in my small space I am finding out, knowing who cares means a lot to many people. It is only human to want another human to toutch you, I don't think anyone of will ever get out of being human. For me it does make a difference to know that I as a individual I do make a difference, however small that differece may be, I am grateful the shelfish me does not show up everyday

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