Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Birthdays are for giving

--by sonrisa, posted Feb 19, 2007

My birthday was coming up last week and I was thinking of ways I could pay forward some kindness on the day to send good wishes out in the world.  And then on my birthday itself, right in front of my eyes, three different opportunities came up one after the other, to support my colleagues at the charity I work at in different ways.

One girl decided she wanted to give back to the charity that gave her so much both as a child when she was growing up and also as an adult by employing her to deliver services to other children.  So, she's going on a trek and raising money for our charity.  She is now part of a really amazing program that works with the most at-risk young people in our area, many of whom have already been kicked out of 3 schools, carried a knife to school, stole a car, etc.  By engaging the young people in fun mainstream activities, they encourage them to integrate back into society and become meaningful contributors to it.  Through this program, they have been able to reduce offending rates of the young people by 84% -- that's incredible work!!  So I made a small contribution to her goal of raising 2,500 pounds!

Another guy, who helps to run our street sports program, decided he'd give the London Marathon another go this year to raise money for our charity.  His program is especially inspiring in that they work with children who are literally out on the streets to engage them in sports and then over time build relationships with the young people and get them to run their own sports league in their estate.  I love the work they do and thought it was incredible to see him taking on this challenge again to support our work.  I made just a small contribution to keep him energized as he trains in the coming months.

Finally, two of our trustees, one of whom has been part of the organization since the beginning, are so inspired by the ongoing work that they'd like to celebrate our 30th anniversary this year by raising 30,000 pounds to support our projects -- and they are taking on a challenge to do a trek in Tanzania to raise awareness!  It really doesn't get any more inspiring then this, does it!  When so many people who are part of a nonprofit want to contribute their "out-of-work" time to raise money to support the projects, it really is incredilbe!  So, I made a small contribution to their efforts as well.

It was such a lovely feeling when I looked back at the day.  To  support the journeys of others in some small way, who are being the change everyday -- what an honor.

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Readers Comments

Ginny wrote: What great idea, I will be truning 19 this Wedsday. I may not have lot of money. But there are smipple things to. Like talking to some random stanger in line at the store, giveing a can food to someone in need. Are just few things. What a great idea now I feel like I can go and share some of my Brithday to people that I know or don't even know.

Just like my mom says
"In order to have to peace in the world, we most have peace in are own home."
sudha wrote: What great idea, I really feel proud for those people who can gave food to someone in need.
austin wrote: Wow, great opportunities... I will remebr this for my bday.
Passion4Life wrote: It's awesome that you even stopped to think about others on a day that most people would only think of themselves. I commend your efforts.
sonshine wrote: I think it's cool that on your own birthday, you went out of your way to make a difference in others lives ... in very good ways! Many blessings to you and Happy belated Birthday!
thaata wrote: This reminds me that we are sent on this earth by god for a specific purpose. Bringing happiness in the lives of others is doing gods job. Well done and well celebrated birthday.

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