Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Give One, Get Two Skates Free

--by J. Madden, posted Feb 21, 2007

In December, I went to the Cavalcade of Lights at Nathan Philips Square. As I was sitting at the side of the rink taking off my skates, a little boy about 6 or 7 walks up and asks "Are those your skates?"

I answered ‘Yes’ and wondered if he thought I had stolen his skates, since I wear boys hockey skates. He said: "Oh, I don't have skates." For some reason, I blurted, "Do you want mine?"

I told him to first ask his mom. He ran away excited and his mom asked if it was really okay [and I said yes.] He was jumping up and down in excitement. After he put on the skates, I watched him take off with a big smile.

Two weeks later I was in the recycling room in our condo. Residents leave items for others to salvage. I found two Bauer boxes with new skates, both in my size!

I gave one pair to a friend who was there the evening I gave the boy my used skates. She shook her head and said: “You give away one pair, and you get back two”!

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Readers Comments

guin wrote: what an amazing story!
Made me conjure up an image of a wistful child having his little dreams fulfilled.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Great story! It absolutely pays to be generous!
william d tucker wrote: it had to make you feel wonderful to see the kids eyes light up and then to have such unselfish generosity rewarded hopefully will open the pocketbooks of others in similar situations
austin wrote: Completely magical.. I think giving is better than receiving, but to be so fotunate to be rewarded, is magic..
sewingsphynx wrote: Don't they say when you give it comes back tenfold? Two fold is pretty darn good too.I suspect this won't be your last gesture of kindness!!
Passion4Life wrote: I honestly beleive that you are instilling kindness into that young boy and that event will touch his life and be remembered forever!
Ginny wrote: What great story, it shows that litte things in life can lead to great happiness in others.
Aiya wrote: Wow! That is so amazing! He will remember that for a long time, each time he uses those skates. That is so cool you found 2 more! God blessed ya already! :-D
Hope4lisa wrote: Give and it shall be good measure, pressed down and running over.....

Thank you for reminding me!

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