Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Mistaken For A Priest

--by Yuri Amatnieks, posted Mar 1, 2007
As a science student at the University of Western Ontario, I was delighted when offered the use of the ground floor of a church rectory for very modest rent.

To show my appreciation, I shoveled the snow from the walks and driveway so that the choir could practise in the basement. One particularly blustery winter day I was ready to concede defeat to the blizzard when I noticed a pickup truck drive by, reverse and enter the drive.

Lowering his plough blade, the driver cleared out the entire parking lot in just a few passes. The cab window opened and the cheerful driver shouted out: “There you go Father!” He had noticed my black T-shirt under my coat and mistaken me for a priest.

I could only chuckle and shout back “Bless you, my son” as he pulled out. Every storm thereafter I was sure to wear my black T-shirt in hopes of a repeat performance and will be forever grateful to the church and the unknown stranger that made my day.

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Readers Comments

Antonieta wrote: God bless ya.
Aurelia wrote: Yur, That person must of felt so good to help you out. Your back was spare and the work was made light by a caring passerby. I'm sure you'll help out a neighbor one day when you own a house of your own. ~Aurelia

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