Readers Comments
Raymond Sia wrote: What a shame of this guy, who doesn't admit his mother despite of her sacrifice of her eye to him.
He shouldn't have shouted at her when she visited him. What an ungrateful guy.
But when he regretted when his mother left him with a letter , it's too late to cry any more.
Treasure what it is when you possess rather than regret when you lost it.
He shouldn't have shouted at her when she visited him. What an ungrateful guy.
But when he regretted when his mother left him with a letter , it's too late to cry any more.
Treasure what it is when you possess rather than regret when you lost it.
pdelarosa wrote: All i can say is , "wow. "
Gyan Khare, Ph.D. wrote: A very well written story narrating the human behavior including a mother's undemanding love.
Seor wrote: What a great mother, every mother cares about their kids and wants to give their kids the best environment.
sowmya wrote: This is a lesson to all the ungrateful guys in this world.
trish galvin wrote: You only have one mother but may have 5 wives in you lifetime too little to late id say
Emory Nicole wrote: This is hanging up on my wall! It makes me smile every day!