Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Five Dollar Bus Fare

--by Aiya, posted Mar 1, 2007

A bunch of us carpooled in a van to go to the holiday prayer at the convention center and the celebrations afterwards.

After visiting for hours, we were on our way home late that evening. (We live about an hour away from where we were going.)  Before we dropped off someone, we noticed he didn't have enough money for the bus.  He only needed 50 cents, so he kindly asked if anyone could spare some change.

While everyone looked in their wallets, I remembered I had 5 dollars in my purse I was saving for coffee. I wanted to help, so I gave him all 5 dollars.  And it made me happier than coffee does. :)

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Readers Comments

hiloecho wrote:
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver
2 Corinthians 9:7
sewingsphynx wrote: Your giving was thoughtful and unconditional.It was the right thing for the right person at the right time.
Ginny wrote: Oh what nice and so smipple act of kindess.
raqui wrote: I have to admit i would have been happier also. I know that will warm your heart for days to come!
Aurelia wrote: What a giving person you are. I bet your smile and his smile were well worth the 5bucks.~Aurelia

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