Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by Anya101, posted Mar 4, 2007

The reason I came onto this site was because I was inspired by an an article and I am glad I did. Now I am making cards for a hospital near my town. They are basically just get well cards.

I made two cards, one of them are for girls and the other one is for a boy.  I will then copy them and hopefully give them personally to the kids. 

Also I am going to donate my hair to Locks of Love.


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Readers Comments

ieiblue wrote: continue doing it... cheers to you! :P
auntydot wrote: Lovely thought Inspired
cancan wrote: i love this site for the inspiration i get!!i can be having a rough day and log in and feel better almost at once.i love this idea !! i am doing my mailings and am adding crocheting baby shawls and doggie cozy comfys which i will give away to homeless dogs. This is so much fun and great therapy.i might still be feeling in the pits had i not stumbled onto this site and all the inspiration.
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Anya101
Really nice gesture. So much love and care goes into a home made card.

As for donating your hair WOW.

Keep right on smiling.

Afriendlysmile :):)

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