Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Just a Smile and a Wave

--by Hope4lisa, posted Mar 5, 2007

This just happened yesterday: I was driving from work to my daughters house a few miles away. I came to a stop light and out of the corner of my eye saw the driver in the car next to me looking at me and waving his hands.

He was smiling so big and waving so enthusiastically I thought he must be someone I knew. I rolled down my window, as did he, and he leaned over his wife/girlfriend/friends shoulder and just said to me, "I'm just saying hello! You're a beautiful person!" and drove off. 

I drove away thinking, "Wow." And then when I signed on here for the first time today, I thought about him and wondered if he belonged to a group here! Anyway, I know I'm supposed to write about kind things I do for others, and I will, but I just had to share this one. It's amazing how a simple, sincere, smile and hello can brighten someone's day!

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Readers Comments

mutti wrote: Your story made me feel good - and thinking what would happen if I could do like that every day to make somebody feel appreciated...

Thanks for sharing
AiyaZaynab wrote: How wonderful! It's always awesome when someone smiles and waves just because. :) It's the little things in life we should be grateful for. <3
Samsonmybf wrote: I bet he made your day!! We should all do that!
asdf wrote: wow. the really neat thing about that is that I can try it tommorow morning! I'm so excited! :) I bet you'll never forget that!
AURELIA wrote: Isn't it funny how some people really know what and when to say something positive that can change our mood and help determine the direction our day will take....I'm smiling thinking about this fellow in the car next to you waving and smiling away. :)
LOVEBUG wrote: My husband and I have just completed 6 yrs. in Alabama and recall how we noticed, everyone in Alabama waves, just thought you might want to know, maybe you could visit

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