Stories of Kindness from Around the World

In memory of all the mother/daughter outings I miss

--by carol, posted Mar 5, 2007

During National Random Acts of Kindness Week, I bought a $20 gift certificate at  a really nice breakfast/lunch restaurant.  I put the certificate in a gift card with a "just because"  message and a Random Act card asking them to pass on the kindness. 

No addressee on the envelope, but in the return address corner, "A Random Act of Kindness."

I prayed for Divine Guidance to be led to just the right person.

At the end of the week, I was having Sunday brunch at another restaurant ( I don't cook, can you tell?!) and saw a mother and grown daughter walking in.  The elderly mother was bent over, using a cane, and walked very, very slowly.  The daughter patiently followed behind. 

As soon as they sat down in their booth and got settled, I walked up behind the daughter and handed her the note with a smile and said, "I think your mother dropped this" and quickly rushed on before she got a good look at me.

My friend, who had been hiding behind the pillar with me, was curious to their reaction so she made a round-about pass-through by them just as the daughter exclaimed, "Well, what do you know? $20!!"

I smiled the rest of the day.

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That was very nice of you. I'm sure they appreciated it too!
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Carol

A really kind and thoughful gesture.
Your mum is still with you in your heart.

She will be really proud of you.

Afriendlysmile from England
kindnessrocks wrote: That was extermely kind of you... Its so important to ask for divine guidance so that we can be led to the right place...
lbrasz wrote: The best acts are random acts when God works in us to do something for others out of the blue at a moments notice , very kind of you.
Jawoth Ronald wrote: By names iam Jawoth
I would like you to help for me children in the northren uganda people are in the comps, they are not happy in their ground
Aurelia wrote: What a great idea! I bet they ate an extra big meal that day.Your kindness is awesome. Keep up the good acts! ~Aurelia

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