Stories of Kindness from Around the World

When I was a Homeless Teenager

--by raqui, posted Mar 11, 2007

When I was a teenager trying to get away from a bad home life,  I ended up from the streets to the doors of Covenant house of NYC.

They gave us a place to stay, health, social, mental services.  We had food and even clothing.

I remember being a big girl thankful for the few things they could find for me in the clothing room.

Now that I am a grown woman I wanted to do something special for them.  I put up signs in my neighborhood collecting all types of clothing.

After about 6 months of collecting, I had 10 giant garbage bags full of clothes.

I was able to make an appointment to see the building.  Going through it all again was really an experience.  Seeing the changes, seeing the advancement.  Seeing how it was so different now.  But they still had the same purpose.

It made my heart feel very good.

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Readers Comments

Satish wrote: That the way it is in life. When anyone does good it touches you. You in turn try to pay back. This is the principle of duplication, whatever one does others duplicate, so let us all be careful as to how we conduct ourselves in all walks of life. Continue the good work, Good luck to you and God Bless you.
Aurelia wrote: How sweet of you to collect clothing for them. I'm glad there was a place for you to go to and feel safe when you were in need. Good of you to remember them and go back even if you thought it might not be a pleasant experience, but it was! ~Aurelia
StarboyantC wrote: thanks for remembering.
cabbage wrote: That is really touching. I'm glad that you were able to get to a point in life where you could give back to Covenant house---
and I'm sure that all the young ones there appreciate your kindness.

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