Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Widening the Circle of Compassion

--by guin, posted Mar 8, 2007

My friends and I are now going to part soon since my life as an undergraduate is coming to an end.  Today one of my friends told me that she would never forget the time she came along with me to a home for senior citizens near my college.

She wanted to make another trip before we left.  It was amazing.  As we listened to people like our granparents - just spoke and laughed with them.  It was amazing how much this little time seemed to lift their spirits.

The funny thing is never before in her life has my friend been into conscious acts of service, although her everyday kindness lights up people's lives.  So she truly said she felt joyful after this trip we made- widening the circle of compassion.

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Readers Comments

afriendlysmile wrote: Hi guin
One of the most wonderful things we have is (The gift of of time ).

You do not even have say much especially to the old and imfirm let them tell you how they got a card from their wonderful son last year,their hearts light up.
It also makes us appreciate our own parents who have sacrificed so much for us and show how much we love them.
afriendlysmile :)
Hope4lisa wrote: I am a CNA although I am not working as one now..... Oh how I KNOW the elderly in nursing homes NEED a visit, a hand to hold, a warm body to let them know they matter, someone to talk to.
I think if I could only pick ONE thing to do as a service to others, that would be it. They are so often and easily forgotten.....even by myself.
Thank you so much for reminding me.
sheetal wrote: dear guin,
one of the best stories i have read in a while... its great that you had a friend involved which increases the circle of compassion in our world...

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