Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Just Can't Stop Smiling!

--by raqui, posted Mar 8, 2007

I haven't smiled this much in a long time.  I am reading many stories leaving comments and getting great ideas for Random Acts of Kindness.

I didn't even realize that I was smiling and feeling so good until I sat back and broke out in a big WIDE smile.  I feel so good and I wanted to write about it because within less than 48 hours I feel my life has changed.

I have always been one to give RAOK (Random Acts of Kindness)  usually without thinking about it.  But now I feel better because I have a plan.  I am doing things on purpose.  Makes me feel good to have a purpose in life other than work and paying the bills.

I feel I am doing things now to counter act the negativity that comes at me.  As long as i have RAOK to do then I am ok.

I Thank everyone for there stories.  I Thank HELP OTHERS for making this a place where we can come share. 

And guess what I am going to thank you right now.  Yes you who is taking the time to read this.  Because this is why i wrote it for YOU!



2737 Reads

Readers Comments

Bibirose wrote: This is not only a great site to get ideas to show kindness to so many but what a way to share a smile or two & before long there are miles of smiles along the road of life; all because one person took time out for another. Just makes you glad that you are alive and smiling!
JUSTme wrote: this made me smile =D
sweena wrote: smile from me too.....let the smile pass to millions......... n millions..........
Rats wrote: How well said. We all in this group might be feeling the same after reading this wonderful message.Excellent friend,Inspiration comes from others experiences.
sonshine wrote: Smiles from Texas sent for all! :)
speedi wrote: Smiles All Around!There Free on the house so to speak!!
Ginny wrote: Hey what are reading my mind. I am also like that I read stories and ideas and go out there. I have no idea what is about this but there is something very spciel very magicl and just makse you fell better no matter what mood you in.
wink wrote: Thank you. My life just turned around and it is your words and others that make this happen. I am so glad for this site esp. when it reminds me to check in. People like you help to restore my faith. And you are so right - smiling and helping others gets rid of the negativity - which I have allowed to control me lately. Thanks again.
myturn wrote: Yes I am smiling Its amazing how this crosses the whole world. I know ther's a BIG SMILE in Saint Louis right now
Amrita wrote: so sweet, thanks !!

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