Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Actions Speak Loud

--by guin, posted Mar 12, 2007

D was sitting alone in the University canteen and eating.  D is generally known as a rich spoilt brat always driving around in fancy cars and hitting the nightclubs.  D is the hardened sort who doesn't believe in really caring about others in general.

A sits down with D, who is not a very close friend or anything.

A buys 2 plates of food,  thinking she is very hungry.

A and D keep chatting about various things like music, their careers and classes  and then A finds out that she's pretty full just by eating the first plate.  A acts with thoughtfulness and packs up the untouched second plate.  When D looks puzzled,  A  explains that she'd like to give the food to some hungry homeless person.

D and A giggle at the way the packing is being done and then in a moment of poetry, D tells A that he is really touched to see things like this happen.  He says that he never knew that people could still act in this way.  A and D practically start sniffling and part.

I have read in several places about being able to see the qualities of compassion and love in everyone. On that day, A saw the seeds of compassion in D, who was able to appreciate an act of kindness.  It just goes to show that just everyone,  even those who we think are the most mean and hardened have a compassionate side to them.


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Readers Comments

Hope4lisa wrote: that was a great story and proof of how "contagious" kindness can be. I bet "D" will be thinking about that for quite a long time.
Thanks for sharing-
ari1969 wrote: Yes, people always have the softest part of their emotions and feelings, which is sometime tapped by a dear one.

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