Readers Comments
ari1969 wrote: GOOD there are no rules to be kind. Give whatever you can from your heart.
raqui wrote: That is really wonderful. :) Go Smiling i might have to use that one :) Raqui
monkeyinpajamas wrote: =) that was really sweet of you.
sometimes the best moments are when we treat everyone in our lives with the respect and attention they deserve.
sometimes the best moments are when we treat everyone in our lives with the respect and attention they deserve.
tonigirl wrote: Dear A friendly smile,
Thank you for making my day today. Last night as I was going over bank statements needed for my divorce I discovered my husband had an affair while I was away on business in 2005. Needless to say, I woke up feeling betrayed, sad and sick to my stomach.
Then I got an email from Smile's and your comments filled my heart with joy and hope. Peace & Blessings - tonigirl
Thank you for making my day today. Last night as I was going over bank statements needed for my divorce I discovered my husband had an affair while I was away on business in 2005. Needless to say, I woke up feeling betrayed, sad and sick to my stomach.
Then I got an email from Smile's and your comments filled my heart with joy and hope. Peace & Blessings - tonigirl