Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Who Can I Make Happy Today

--by afriendlysmile, posted Mar 14, 2007

March is here, spring just round the corner, crocus are bursting with colour.

I visited the charity  table.  All the things I donated last week have gone but instead of just books and records there is a variety of items, tools, garden seeds, even some tins of cat and dog food.

This time I donated a pair of gloves, a scarf, a child's toy, a chess set and some paint brushes.  People have a chance to get something they need and get the pleasure of giving.

I was so pleased that other people were getting involved I decided to try and do another smiley act.

I wandered around - would it be a lone elderly lady or a pleasant shop keeper?  Then I spotted a young man trying to get people to change there gas supply.  People just grunted at him or ignorned him as if he had a cloak of invisibility.  So I went over to him and said how I admired his positive outlook at the way he kept on trying despite getting constant set backs.  I gave him £5 to get himself a cup of tea.  He was really taken aback, then I explained what I was doing.  His beaming smile, handshake, and thanks really made my day.

'GO SMILING'     (Apparently it is the Turkish way of saying bye).

Afriendlysmile :)


1978 Reads

Readers Comments

ari1969 wrote: GOOD there are no rules to be kind. Give whatever you can from your heart.
raqui wrote: That is really wonderful. :) Go Smiling i might have to use that one :) Raqui
monkeyinpajamas wrote: =) that was really sweet of you.
sometimes the best moments are when we treat everyone in our lives with the respect and attention they deserve.
tonigirl wrote: Dear A friendly smile,

Thank you for making my day today. Last night as I was going over bank statements needed for my divorce I discovered my husband had an affair while I was away on business in 2005. Needless to say, I woke up feeling betrayed, sad and sick to my stomach.

Then I got an email from Smile's and your comments filled my heart with joy and hope. Peace & Blessings - tonigirl

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