Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness At School

--by teacherofark, posted Jun 25, 2014
I just started teaching at a new school after teaching 17 years at other schools. It has been somewhat difficult to fit in and become acquainted with the new staff.

Instead of feeling left out, I wrote every teacher on my hall a personalized card with stickers and all. I also sent a card to my principal, librarian, and counselor. I had my students deliver them, setting an example to them about kindness.

I have challenged them to complete kind acts the month of September. I have had a few compliment others. I have even had one student run in a charity race to raise money for the humane society.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Great way to start in a new place ... kudos.
Zaveral wrote: That is a great idea!

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