Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Ask A Stranger If They Are Okay, And Mean It

--by higgins.jodi, posted Jul 6, 2014
While on a walk on the bike path, I noticed an older man riding his bike stop ahead of me and leaning over his handlebars. He appeared to be in pain.

As others just continued past him, I stopped and asked if he was okay. He said he was, and I said I was concerned since he looked like he was in pain.

He told me that he was and told me about how he had by-pass surgery not long ago and the doctors said it would be good for him to bike.

Once I was convinced he would be okay, I continued on. He road past me, thanking me for stopping.

It wasn't much but it felt good to do so. Even though he was a stranger, I was willing to stop to assist. This is my small act of kindness story for today.
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Readers Comments

madhur wrote: Awesome!
It is so important to be concerned about those around us and care in little ways.
Thanks for sharing higgins.

Melissa - your work (in comments) is very inspiring, i plan to follow visiting those who are alone and taking care too.
kwaibak wrote: How thoughtful of you.
sandyremillard wrote: These little details are what reinforce in us the fact that we are being of light and should share with others. You felt great as you were being kind. Wasn't it so worth it? Nice to know there are kind people like you. Namaste, sandy
sandy wrote: You were flowing with the wonderful light being that you are! More light to our planet! Thank you. Namaste, sandy
melissa wrote: I deliver meals on wheels every fri. Morning and i always offer my help in some way to these people.
I try if even for a few mins to make their day a happy and pleasant one.
I always ask them if they need a ride somewhere or if i could help them with something around their house.
I think it means alto to them when i always inquire about their heath and give them encouragement.
melissa wrote: My only fault is that i wish i could hug them all esp. The ones that have no family close by so for them i make an effort to visit them during the week to check on them and see that they have what the need.
It breaks my heart when i lose one of them. Because i let them all into my heart.
jerryw wrote: Nice job! Inspiring.
Aung wrote: Such a small act created an enormous impact.
Aung wrote: Small act equals enormous impact.
robn789 wrote: Awesome! I'm so glad you did that.

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