Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Power of Simple Generosity

--by zellie, posted Mar 23, 2007
I used to work in a small department of a company.  Because I use to make everyone smile, I made them feel special on a bad day, celebrated their birthdays, they all felt special and I was often called the "heart" of the department.

When I left after six years, I had the most amazing farewell.  So many people showed up that I was amazed!  BUT most of my friends and collegues were in tears because "no one will be there to listen to their problems or to motivate them anymore."  I had no idea I was even doing that for them.

So since leaving, I have joined this website and I have been sending them inspiring stories from this website and I think they feel better that  "someone" cares. 

I miss being around those people, I miss making them smile ... it was my goal every morning when I woke up -- to make people happy!!!
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Readers Comments

sonshine wrote: Zellie, what a difference you made to your fellow co-workers. And aren't we thankful now for the Internet... as you can continue to share smiles with them via e-mail. Many blessings!
Aurelia wrote: Zellie, I hope you continue to spread sunshine wherever you go. We a drawn to people like you and need more like you in our world. Thank you for being you. ~Aurelia

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