Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Kindness Lesson in Action at Dinner

--by Kim, posted Apr 26, 2006

I love to do the random things like pay for the person behind me in the fast food drive thru....  This week after church we decided to go out to eat with our kids in tow. Our family consists of 6 children, some adopted. We went to a local restaurant. We were seated next to a family of 4 children, and I noticed the young mother had a bandana on her head and appeared to have a hair loss issue, it immediatly touched my heart.

I told my husband I want to pay their bill. He looked around, I think he was looking for a lonely person in the corner, then I pointed to the family next to us. When he did a head count I thought he was going to have a heart attack. Our income is stretched as it was and here I am suggesting we pay for another bill. After finally getting the go ahead my husband asked if I had my smile cards with DUH... of course I did!!! So we got our waitress explained what we wanted to do and sat back and watched.

The husband opened the bill wallet to find the smile card.  He asked the waiter if it was a joke. Then he preceded to read the card aloud to his kids and they began talking about how incredible it was and what they were going to do to pay-it-forward. The waiter though seemed nervous, kept hanging around until we paid the bill...then he kept coming back asking why we did that, and how come...and on and was very cool.

Then when it was done we told our kids, which was the same situation - lots of questions - who? where? It was a learning experience for several people and it is cool to see things like this in action.

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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Teaching children the value of kindness in our life is the best thing you did. May others get inspired to follow suit.
jsmc10 wrote: Such a lovely act to show for your children :)
princessliz wrote: That's for having an open heart and wanting to share with others.

~may your family be blessed~
bookworm58 wrote: This is a wonderful story indeed. I remember someone helping me when i was dealing with breast cancer treatments years ago. I will always remember those helpful people forever. She will remember you too.
jessica wrote: Aww (: you guys are so sweet!
Earthymom33 wrote: Isn't it awesome when our kids see kindness in action? I hope if i teach my children one thing, it is the incredible power of a simple act of kindness to a stranger. :) you and your hubby have given your children a rich rich heritage, that will one day be your legacy!
moral12 wrote: Great way to teach the kids the value of giving, and, what a wonderful surprise for that family (who was obviously going through a rough time). Thanks for sharing!
kulbhushan wrote: World is beautiful place to live because there are people like you who make living so selfless and meaningful. God bless you all. Love you for this.
Helena wrote: It is awesome to be emphatetic. To have the ears to the children's question and the heart to carry the burden of others. God bless your home.
Maryjersey wrote: Thank you for doing this. I'm sure that every one of them will be paying it forward. Our world is getting a little kinder, one smile at a time.

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