Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Blind Friend Cleared My Vision

--by guin, posted Mar 24, 2007
I recently acted as a scribe for blind students, writing during an examination, in one of the less privileged areas.

It was a great experience interacting with my blind friend because I got to learn a lot about my life!

She was happy to have a friendly hand to hold and talk to rather than just a mechanical interaction before and after the exam.  And while I was feeling sad before hand, speaking to my blind friend cleared up my vision too.

Funny, how that works.
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Readers Comments

sonshine wrote: Hi guin, how awesome that you spent time doing this and helped to make a difference in that persons day, thereby changing yours for the better. I wish you many more awesome experiences such as that one! Blessings to you!
Lulu wrote: That's wonderful and really nice!

Yeah, it is funny isn't it?, I believe not only does helping others make us feel good inside, but that it actually makes us see anwers for ourselfs, too.
Padmanabhan N.S. wrote: So kind of you irrespective of whether she passes or fail the Exam she will be Gratful to you. You have not lost anything but GAINED a lot.
paddubai wrote: So kind of you irrespective of whether she passes or fail the Exam she will be Gratful to you. You have not lost anything but GAINED a lot.
Aurelia wrote: How can we say "thank you" to you for having such a big heart. God will reward you...and He has by letting you see yourself through here eye. :) ~Aurelia

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