Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Wanting To Say Thanks

--by Hallie, posted Jul 16, 2014
I have always wanted to say thanks to the workers who clean the public bathrooms in my college dorm before any of us wake up.  I was inspired to do this because it's such a thankless but necessary task.  One morning I left a simple thank you note for the woman at the sink.
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Readers Comments

yatrik wrote: Nice one we haven't noticed small small act
sandyremillard wrote: Beautiful gesture! We have at some time done things that have gone unnoticed yet when they have been, hasn't it been satisfying? Thank you for being kind. Keep it rollin'.
brindlegirl wrote: This is beautiful and this will touch that cleaner more than you ever could know ♡
kwaibak wrote: Thanks for doing that. I do it too!
Singer284 wrote: A little compliment can definitely go a long way. It's so great that you did that!
sandyremillard wrote: Little details are what make our lives meaningful. Thanks you for being kind!
Namaste, sandy
foetami wrote: That is such a sweet thing to do. I hope your note made her day.

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