Stories of Kindness from Around the World

We All Have A Story

--by hiloecho, posted Mar 31, 2007
Last weekend I volunteered at our local shelter to serve meals to the hungry. I convinced a classmate of mine, a woman who is older like myself to come along for the experience. Her life consists of school, playing golf as a semi-pro, and generally living a very comfortable and protected lifestyle.

I assume everyone has seen the hungry, the needy, the homeless, the less fortuanate in our society but the assortment of folks at the shelter seemed to trouble my friend. She was aprehensive about getting physically too  close when she was serving meals and she was also full of questions. She made observations such as, "They look like they do drugs", "I assume a lot of them have alcohol problems", "Some of them seem like they are retarded."

Once everyone is fed, staff/volunteer's can also eat from the leftovers.  We were told there was enough and that we should grab a plate.  "Sure," I said without hesitation.  But my friend whispered to me that she didn't want to eat there and would prefer to go to a nearby cafe for breakfast. I told her I was going to stay and eat and I hoped she would reconsider her decision too.  She stayed.

As we were eating, I decided to share my story with her  -- how in 2000, I became homeless due to circumstances beyond my control, how since 2000 I have been a recovering drug addict among other little life tidbits. She was shocked!  You see, I have a 4.0 gpa, I am tops ijn our class, and appearance wise you would never guess I have a past .... what I wanted to convey to her was that we all have a story and we should never judge another for any reason.

We are here to help each other and being homeless does not make you any less of a person and we should take the time to learn others stories before we make an assumption. My hope is that she will continue to volunteer, time permitting.
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Seabiscuit wrote: God has lead me to your story. He has done many things for my benefit today, and I fully believe because I acknowledge these little things He sends me stronger messages. I will share with you this, I showed up for work today at my prestidge place of employment to find an unexpected visitor. I used to work at a bank located inside a grocery chain. I talked to everyone. I also made friends with some of the bag boys. I tried to pay attention to those that others may not try to stop and speak to because of their apparance or demenor because they seemed less fortunate. I liked these simple people who took pride in a simple life of hard work and happy go lucky attitude because I wanted that for myself. Since my time in banking I have moved to a financial position at a investment firm. I still shop for groceries at that grocery chain and I enjoy visiting my friends. I always tell them to come and see me if they ever need anything and if they are ever downtown. One person did today. He is 47 yrs old and I was so shocked to see him in my new work atmosphere that it seemed strange to see his face. I welcomed him and told him to come back to my desk so we could visit. He began to share his story as to why he was looking for me. He wanted to tell me that he no longer worked at the store and he had wrecked his car and had gotten out of jail yesterday. I was shocked and asked him to tell me how it all happened. He said that his dad whom is 83 and showing signs of what he described as dementia, got into a heated argument and after being cornered pushed his elderly father down to run out of the house. You see, my friend is what some may consider SLOW. I consider him blessed with a simple way of thinking. Free of complicating details that we feel we have to wrap ourselves up with in order to convince ourselves that our lives are rewarding. His father called the police and when they arrived mistook his simple shy behavior for a plea of guilt becuase he kept quiet and didn't deny his actions or defend himself. They took him to jail. He lost his job. This took place 3 weeks ago and he got out yesterday. He said he was staying at the rescue mission but that his brother was helping try to find him a place to live where someone could watch out for him and for financial aid to allow him to live alone and continue to work as a bag boy. He had a long beard and he had on clothes that were worn and had dirt on them. These were his clothes he had on the day he got in the fight with his father. I asked him how I could help. He is a good person. I'm scared for him. And out of this whole mess he had just laid before me, he had the heart to apolozie for his apperance and his long facial hair. I told him that I wanted to help. I offered to call his brother and told him that I would come and get him Friday if his brother hadn't found him a place to stay. I could cloth him and let him shave. I did speak to his brother and found encouragement in his efforts to help my friend. He also said that He would call me to let me know what progress has been made in getting him out of the mission. I walked him out of the building and pointed him in the right direction to my former work place (the bank I used to work at has a branch downtown)and sent him there to get some money to keep on him incase he ran into a situation he couldn't handle, altesat he could call a cab or get a meal or hotel. He didn't want to take my gift. He said that he had only come to see me so I wouldn't worry about him if I went to the grocery store and didn't see him. People like him are rare and I feel so guilty because I feel I can't do anything but be a friend. Before he left he had a tear in his eye and said, "I have 2 dads now, the one that raised me and the one I know now that has changed". For all the complicated things I thought he could never understand, he said it better than I could have ever thought about explaining. When I walked back in the building I was asked who that homeless man was. And all I could say was that it could be you or me on any given day. I only hope I can help him more than what I did today because he is a sweet being and if it could happen to someone as nice as him--heaven help us all. I came home , logged on to the internet, checked my email and went on Ebay. A thought came into my mind--what if I did a google search for Good Deeds. I did. I found this website--went only on it--signed up and your story was the FIRST and only one I've read. I have been crying as I type this becasue God lead me to you. Thank you for the kind deed of sharing your story. My heart feels glad you did and it gives me the courage to do the right thing even if you feel helpless. Thank you and May God continue to bless us all with opportunities to change the world as we know it.
hiloecho wrote: I want to thank you for your response which touched me, you too are a rare person. What you did took guts, a lot of people wouldn't have gotten involved for so many reasons but as you said all you can do is be a friend and that is nothing to feel guilty about. Matthew 22:39 "And the second is like it; love your neighbor as yourself". If you read scripture read Matthew 22:37-38. We live in a world of non-involvement where people do not not want to be bothered and to reach out to someone in need is an act of love from the heart. The Lord is working through you and you are truly blessed for your kindness. It is amazing how God works and the lessons he will teach us if we allow him into our hearts. The Pastor of our church tells a stroy of 20 years ago when he first walked into our church and a white man hugged him and say i love you. His first reaction was "what is this white man hugging me for and what's this love stuff". At that moment he realized that God had used this man to show him his heart, a prejudiced heart and it took him down the path of change and eventually led him to be the Pastor of our church. I think one of the hradest things to do is to forgive someone who has wronged you, the second hardest is to love your fellow man. The great thing is that God continues to give us chances to become more like him. Your outlookand insight on the world and others lives and feelings is an awesome testimony to the power of the Lord. Having a friend such as you has blessed this man's life and must be a comfort for him that could never be bought. God Bless You!
Seabiscuit wrote: Thank you. I was able to help my friend more than I thought I could. His brother found him a place to live and I put him in a hotel tonight and my husband and I went to get him clothes and toiletries and he wanted so badly for me to take his picture of his new beard he wore as a reminder of the past few weeks. I took his pic and printed out and gave it to him. After he took a shower we helped him shave it off. He asked if we had a clock or a watch he could use and I went out and bought him one that glowed in the dark. He was SO HAPPY. And at that moment my spirited lifted and I felt comfort that he was taken care of for the time being. His brother will come get him tomorrow and I will help him get another job. I have told my friends at work that we all need to count our blessings, because at any moment things could take a turn for the worse. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Hopefully this will be a turning point for me as well as him. It all boils down to the fact that all we really have in this life is each other. I will say a prayer tonight that my outlook will start a fire within those around me to help others and to do the right thing no matter how tough the struggle! My favorite movie is The Lord Of The Rings Triolgy. The movie has the most simple and most complex story line. Each of the individuals tried to unite the world to do the right thing and to fight evil. NO MATTER WHAT HORRIBLE OBSTACLE CAME THEIR WAY--THE NEVER GAVE UP. They also never abandoned the bond of fellowship and held true to their word even though they knew this challenge would end their lives. I have never seen a better example of devotion outside of the Bible. It continues to inspire me. God speaks to you and allows you to see things in a way only you can understand. That movie was "that" for me. If your going to be force to reckon with..., let it be a mighty positive one! ANd I hope I can be the example that God wants me to be by doing the right thing no matter what and not to give up. Amen and hope to continue hearing and reading your words of encouragement. I will read the scripture you suggested. Thanks and blessed wishes.
smile87 wrote: Thank you for sharing your stories and for being a strong source of inspiration. May The Lord bless you with Happiness always
LOVEBUG wrote: Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Gaundie are my hero's I might add you to my list.
tambu wrote: ~Truth~ Your story tells it... We all need to stop judging... I have been humbled numerous times by my judgements. This was another reminder. Thanks.
David wrote: I think the message is we're all people and equal at heart and soul. You can judge but you can't deny anyone the right to be treated and respected as a human being and the right to heard. Ignorance is not a crime but can be an opportunity to inspire in many ways. Sharing is important.
optimist wrote: What a powerful story... I think everyone can learn from what you helped you friend discover that day.
lozza wrote: wel..that was a very good story! i have got to write about acts of kindness for my citezenship project =]
ajs227 wrote: Judging a book by it's cover is so often done by people today in all walks of life

Why do people do this? To me it is a sign of weakness or insecurity, of looking down their noses at somebody or something.
Nobody should judge anyone or anything unless they have walsked in their shoes

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