Readers Comments
silentdreamer wrote: well done!
violetangel wrote: If you don't need the money back it would be a kindness to tell her so bacause then she will stop worrying about how she can make the next month's money stretch after paying her debt to you.
Hope4lisa wrote: That was wonderful of you. I learned the hard way that "giving" money is the ONLY way to give money...... for myself and the other person. When they tell me they'll pay me back, I always make sure to tell them no, it's a gift. Somehow, it sets both of us free. I'm sure your friend was very grateful and your own heart will grow too knowing that, as you said, you have "payed it forward". Thank you for sharing your kindness!
God bless!
God bless!
LOVEBUG wrote: I have learned to pay it forward and never loan money it is always a gift. However I am beging to see this is not always the best way to handle some people. I am trying to learn discerment, so pray for me.
sleepytomato wrote: I have been in similar situations and it's sad how surprised people are when you tell them you want to help - it should be a natural thing - helping others - because that's how the world should be. Keep up the pay-it-forward attitute :)